What is monthly traffic and how is this calculated?

Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. Each time a visitor views a page on a website, they download the html, images and any other components that form that page onto their local computer; this information is then pieced together by a web browser to correctly display the page. This download of information from your web-server contributes towards your monthly traffic allowance.

To ensure fair network usage, each hosting account has its own monthly traffic allowance based upon the needs of each account type. Should you exceed your bandwidth allowance, all excess bandwidth with be charged at 0.1 pence per MB. Any charges will be added to your account automatically.

To ensure no hidden surprises you can view how much bandwidth you are currently using via your online control panel, bandwidth quotes are also clearly stated in each product page. You will also be notified when you account exceeds the allocated bandwidth.

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