Email Settings

Most email clients will set themselves up with just email address and password - if you need to set manually the email settings should be:

Username: The full email address you are checking email for
Password: As set in your control panel when email is created

POP3 Host Address: mail.<domain name>
IMAP Host Address: mail.<domain name>
SMTP Host Address: mail.<domain name>

POP3 Port: 110 or 995 (995 is recommended for security reasons).
IMAP Port: 143 or 993 (993 is recommended for security reasons).
SMTP Port: 465 or 587 (587 is recommended for security reasons).

It is possible that some ISP may block certain mail ports - port accessibility can be tested by using the following command from the command prompt:

telnet mail.<domain name> <port number> i.e. telnet 110

Replace <domain name> with your doamin name.

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